Matt Ryan

Matt Ryan is an open source software and cloud computing enthusiast with over twenty-five years of experience creating all kinds of software for all types and sizes of software companies. Primary areas of expertise include cloud-scale systems and architecture, high-performance back-end systems, distributed systems, and large file cloud storage. Matt is also passionate about the software industry as a whole and believes we can do much better at creating great software. Other passions include family, college football, Formula One, cool cars, rock concerts, heavy metal, and electric guitars.

Matt has been an advocate for both using and contributing to open source software for many years, starting in the early 2000's championing and pushing Novell's open source transition from the grassroots level. He's currently employed by Adobe as a developer for Adobe Experience Manager, focused primarily on the Apache Jackrabbit Oak content repository and AEM Assets. Matt is a committer and PMC member for Apache Jackrabbit.