What’s up with Core Components?

Roy Teeuwen

Are there any plans in making the List more configurable / extendable, without having to copy-paste almost all classes from aem-core-components to your own project? For example there is no way to use a different property than title / last modified to do the sorting, if you have to add this, you will have to copy paste a lot of things.

(see answer in talk video)

Roy Teeuwen

It is currently very hard to dynamically insert an asset in components. For example if you would have an image path configured in a content fragment, a lot of filters / servlets have to be copy pasted / updated to make them work with web-optimized asset delivery support. Any plans in making this more useable?

(see answer in talk video)

Konrad Windszus

Do you still have capacity to review/include external contributions/bugfixes? Since quite some time no external commits made it to releases....

(see answer in talk video)

Henry Kuijpers

There are currently more than 300 issues open in the GitHub project, it seems that this amount keeps raising. Is it possible to have more focus and attention to those issues, so that they can be tackled? There are quite some bugs and/or nice new features/fixes suggested in there.

(see answer in talk video)


Currently a lot of regions of the Core Components API are difficult to extend, because all code (even some util classes) are internal. How can we make sure that the things we need to be accessible become accessible? Tickets don’t seem to work right now (they are open for many years)

(see answer in talk video)


Can you expand on the benefits of assets as a cloud service? This seems like at first glance it simply solves the same problem in a different manner, but now the assets aren't available in the system (for example for content package movements).

Vlad B.

Assets Cloud Service is independent from AEM and could potentially be used with other apps or CMSs. Integration is possible through micro-frontends, see https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/manage/asset-selector.html?lang=en

Diogo Pedreira

Are there any plans to simplify the way core components can currently be extended (mostly Sling Models via method override) or modified (seamless access to internals and others, same as for the test suite)?

Radu Cotescu

Hi Diogo! Does this pattern help with what you need to achieve? https://github.com/adobe/aem-core-wcm-components/wiki/Delegation-Pattern-for-Sling-Models You can inherit the original behaviour (by delegating to the original model) and override only the methods you want to customise.

Henry Kuijpers

Yes, the Sling Delegation Pattern will solve part of the problem. But, when using it with the Core Components, you still find yourself copy/pasting a whole lot of code (for example NavigationItemImpl implementations and all kinds of logic), that is still internal and/or contained in private methods.

Diogo Pedreira

Hi Radu. Thank you for your answer. It’s pretty much what Henry mentioned, on top of that the testing suite will need to have some hard work. In any case, if you have some time we can align personally


How is the local instance setup to serve the cloud asset?

Vlad B.

The configuration is described at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/developing/next-gen-dm.html


We’ve encountered issues in stability because image policies moved from one level in the (composite-) component node structure to another level. Core Components update was applied automatically on AEMaaCS. The same happened with de example content. Is there a way we can also add integration or other way of testing to make sure these kind of issues won’t happen again?

Vlad B.

There's an excellent write-up from Joerg on how to do integration testing on Cloud Service to ensure deployments (including automatic updates) do not break your website: https://cqdump.joerghoh.de/2020/12/14/writing-integration-tests-for-aem-part-1/

Tomasz S

Are the Integration / e2e tests open source as well so that they could be used when doing client implementations to validate functionality? Do you test e2e authoring as well?

Radu Cotescu

I think you can find the tests here - https://github.com/adobe/aem-core-wcm-components/tree/main/testing/it/e2e-selenium (DISCLAIMER: I haven't been working on Core Components since 2017, but I quickly checked the repo and there are instructions about how to run the tests.)

Vugar Aghayev

How do you apply permissions on the Assets as a Cloud Service e.g German market editors can only see/pick the assets specific to the German market

Vlad B.

Assets Cloud Service allow a lot of flexibility on defining permission, see also https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/manage/manage-digital-assets.html?lang=en#closed-user-group


Some standards are advertised like WCAG 2.0 but not respected in the components and not automatically verified within PR’s, builds, tests? Any plans on making sure that these standards are respected?

Vlad B.

Would love to see cases where we don't conform to the accessibility standards so that we can improve. We do periodic reviews of accessibility and try to keep things compliant.


Does assets as a cloud service support videos?

Vlad B.

Assets Cloud Service supports videos but we haven't integrated it yet into the Core Components.