Build Super Fast Storefront Experiences with Edge Delivery Services and Adobe Commerce

Get ready to supercharge your e-commerce integrations with Edge Delivery Services in Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service. In this session, we’ll explore how Edge Delivery can be used beyond content-only use cases to create incredible fast shopping experiences. Based on real-life customer projects, we'll dive deep into integration patterns and architectures to achieve Lighthouse scores of 100. I will showcase the powerful multi-tenant GraphQL services of Adobe Commerce and how you can leverage their APIs to build out catalog browsing and search.

You will learn about dynamic pages, fast LCP delivery techniques, progressive data fetching, and optimal CDN configurations. While Edge Delivery Services are advocating for the simplicity of vanilla JavaScript, I’ll highlight use cases where the usage of frameworks can bring value and give you examples of how they can be integrated seamlessly.

After the talk, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to build fast and impactful Commerce experiences using Edge Delivery.


Can you showcase a simple hello world example with page showing the server time. Another feature that our content would be interested would be the MSM and translation

(see answer in talk video)

Roy Teeuwen

Does this mean that the existing commerce integration framework (CIF) is already "deprecated", or am I misinterpreting the statement "this is a new GraphQL api"

(see answer in talk video)

Vugar Aghayev

Is Commerce SaaS using Adobe IO Runtime to fetch product information? If not, what happened to Adobe Runtime?

(see answer in talk video)

Peter Trumpp

Didn't you face the Same issue Like Stefan Seifert that the Index you need is only build on Produktion not Stage? Any workarounds used/found?

Mark J. Becker

That's right. For enrichment with indexes, we need the fragments to be published. We solved this for our customer by additionally add a scheduling feature. So fragments might be displayed only in specific time frames and we added a preview feature via a date picker in the sidekick extension.


Are you not experiencing a lot of content shifts with the ELD approach?

Mark J. Becker

Good point. You need to be cautious about this and factor the variable sizing of different elements into your CSS structure. The aspect-ratio CSS attribute can be very useful for that.

Henry Kuijpers

How does this go with SEO and accessibility? Would screen readers etc even appreciate this?

(see answer in talk video)

Henry Kuijpers

At a customer of ours, we have very high accessibility requirements. Apparently, there are a lot of websites around, that have very annoying/problematic JS implementations. This forces us to make everything work without JavaScript enabled as well. If I understand correctly, then this whole solution will not be of any use anymore?

Mark J. Becker

That's correct. JavaScript is a strict requirement here. If your customer has these strict requirements and requires to load the site without JavaScript, you will need a server-side rendering solution, for example via edge workers. Please check the PDF version of the talk, there are a few examples on how to do that.

Why you have not considered skeleton loading for the first paint ?

Mark J. Becker

We actually did that in the components and you can still see it being used for example when paginating on the product list page on the Maidenform site. This however means that we would optimize the performance against the displaying of this skeleton which is something we actually don't want. We chose to have the loading of the full product details including the image as LCP, otherwise it would just be cheating the scores.

Anian Weber

Is there a rough eta for the availability of the Commerce Components?

(see answer in talk video)