Speaker Instructions

This year's conference will be a virtual online conference hosted on the Let's Get Digital online platform. See the venue page for more information.

Although being a completely digital environment we want to make the best possible experience for the attendees, providing as much interactivity, "live experience" and possibilities to get in touch with each other as possible. Please help us with this!

Talk Duration

Make sure to prepare your talk in a manner that fits into the assigned time slot (e.g. 30 minutes). You can make full use of this time for your talk, but please do not overrun.

Newly in 2021, we planned an extra time buffer for FAQ for each talk: usually 10min, for the short talks 5min. This extra time buffer at the end of the talk is used to answer the questions of the participants. In 2020 we experienced, that the format of asking questions in the online platform leads to more participation of the visitors and more questions to be answered (which is good!). This extra time buffer comes on top of your talk time slot.

You can look up the assigned slot for your talk in the agenda.

Options for your talk

For your talk you have two options:

If you give a live talk the procedure is quite similar to an online video conference: After entering the virtual presentation room you can stream the video and audio and share your screen with a presentation or local demo. The talk ends with a live Q&A session. In case of a live talk you can make use of some extra features of the platform, e.g. a live poll during your talk. The talk will be recorded.

If you want to pre-record your talk you send us the video files in advance and we will play it during the session. You still need to login as speaker for the live Q&A session at the end, and you can also answer questions in the text chat during the video playback.

Technical Requirements for Speakers

Whether you give a live talk or pre-record you talk, you should have:

Let's Get Digital speaker documentation: https://eventinsight-consultants.gitbook.io/lgd-speakers/

Testing suite to check your environment, firewalls etc.: https://live.eventinsight.io/check.html

Testing the conference platform

You will have the possibility to test the conference platform before the conference to get familiar with it and test it within your IT environment. We will sent you and invitation with additional instructions once everything is set up.

We will use this to check the video and audio quality of your environment as well.

Requirements for pre-recorded talks

If you want to pre-record your talk:

Please make a short test recording (e.g. a few minutes) in advance with your setup and sent it to us.

Wait with the final recording until we've reviewed your slides (final manuscript date is August 22th). Send us the final recording two weeks before the conference (till September 13th) in Full HD.

During the conference we will play the video for you in the session. Please log into the platform at the same time and take part in the session as speaker. During the video playback all speaker cameras and microphones should be switched off, but you can start answering questions that pop up in the text chat if your want. Switch on your video and microphone when the video has finished for the Live Q&A after the talk.

Thoughts about improving video/audio quality

We want to make sure that not only the content of the presentations is great, but to also have a good video and audio quality of the talks.

Especially the audio quality is important - it is very tedious to follow three days of talks in poor audio quality. Use a good headset or a standalone microphone. Make sure you have a quiet environment without background noises. Do not record in an empty room with uncovered walls and large windows, this may lead to unwanted reverberation.

The video quality can be improved with better lightning (e.g. using 3 point lighting technique) using some lamps you have around. Make sure you are not filming against a strong light source (e.g. your window).

Bertrand Delacrétaz has also written a blog post on his experience with conference recordings.

If you have questions or need help contact us a [email protected].